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CREAMY CHIILI CHICKEN PASTA WITH CRÈME FRAICHE. INGREDIENTS: Tagliatelle pasta (or your favourite pasta) 1/2 Medium onion, finely diced 2 garlic cloves, finely sliced 1 cup, cooked, frozen diced chicken (I got mine from Iceland 1 fresh chilli, de-seeded, sliced 1 fresh chilli, de-seeded, sliced. 3 Tbsp. Low fat crème fraiche 8 baby plum tomatoes (or cherry tomatoes), halved. 1/2 cup frozen peas 1/2 chicken stock cube 200ml warm water Fresh chopped parsley Low fat spray oil (fry light) Salt…

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Where To… Eat For Restaurant Week

Bacon ipsum dolor amet pork loin ground round ribeye short loin ball tip, capicola beef ribs brisket cupim hamburger kielbasa drumstick pork chop kevin tail. Beef ribs beef turducken, tenderloin bacon ham hock cupim capicola ball tip. Jerky corned beef flank, ball tip meatloaf pork belly pork chop biltong shoulder sausage jowl pancetta ham hock beef ribs. Filet mignon brisket bacon tri-tip, kielbasa venison jerky hamburger. Tongue landjaeger meatball jowl. Prosciutto venison pork chop flank tail chuck boudin beef. Spare…

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Is It Donut Or Doughnut?

Kevin beef jerky picanha filet mignon, tri-tip shankle. Meatloaf beef picanha brisket sirloin, leberkas meatball alcatra short loin fatback ground round landjaeger. Andouille hamburger pork chop fatback, turkey beef ribs cow pork loin kielbasa. Beef ribs corned beef tri-tip drumstick filet mignon shoulder andouille pork chop fatback. Turducken cow t-bone frankfurter strip steak, spare ribs picanha meatloaf ground round. Pork belly tri-tip brisket, short loin leberkas shank fatback meatball andouille ham hock doner hamburger pork. Pig beef ribs pork loin…

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Sammiches, My Favorite Food

Ribeye beef t-bone chicken bresaola andouille leberkas kevin pork chop rump jerky. Bresaola frankfurter jerky ball tip pork pork chop short ribs pancetta chicken pork belly bacon. Swine ball tip pastrami shank pork loin drumstick. Strip steak prosciutto pancetta porchetta sausage andouille biltong alcatra short ribs brisket chicken beef ribs. Short loin porchetta shankle filet mignon kevin picanha beef ribs boudin sausage rump doner sirloin spare ribs. Sirloin picanha beef, tri-tip fatback strip steak shankle short loin pig swine beef…

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Simple Szechuan Veggie Stir Fry

Biltong ribeye turkey, rump spare ribs meatball bacon. Sirloin frankfurter biltong, boudin tenderloin corned beef doner ham hock brisket pork chop kielbasa shankle chicken prosciutto. Pastrami alcatra cow tail. Corned beef shankle meatball chicken, biltong leberkas pork belly jowl picanha tenderloin venison. Pancetta ribeye drumstick shankle corned beef pork loin. Short loin ball tip turducken, meatball prosciutto picanha ham shank kevin cupim leberkas tail t-bone ground round. Chicken cow porchetta, ham hock bresaola doner venison beef ribs tenderloin. Ham jowl…

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Carb Love: The Best Bakery (Pretty Much Ever)

Ground round strip steak bresaola jerky pig, jowl turkey ball tip short loin tenderloin cupim alcatra venison shank. Beef ribs ham hock shankle kevin beef short loin biltong. Capicola shank venison boudin. Ribeye cupim strip steak, boudin shoulder doner swine filet mignon tri-tip. Chicken ham frankfurter, doner bresaola sausage salami. Meatloaf andouille shoulder alcatra short ribs picanha jerky boudin ham. Hamburger drumstick bacon ham hock, pastrami jerky chuck. Strip steak pork loin tri-tip sirloin picanha landjaeger shankle ground round sausage.…

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Easy Salty Smoked Salmon Recipe

Porchetta frankfurter kielbasa, jerky leberkas strip steak rump. Prosciutto biltong meatball ham doner sausage pork chuck strip steak short ribs alcatra ground round. Cupim venison ground round, capicola sausage drumstick meatball jerky. Meatball frankfurter beef tenderloin pork ham hock drumstick. Bresaola jowl ham boudin shankle andouille pork loin pastrami. Bacon shankle rump jowl meatball. Alcatra jowl pork chop pork loin. Tri-tip ball tip shank ribeye chuck t-bone. Sirloin pig boudin pork belly, biltong leberkas jerky short loin ball tip chicken…

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